The compact design of the Easy Rate Dual Sensor requires only 32.5 mm (1.3 in.) of clearance, allowing the sensor and shutter assembly to pass through a standard CF40 nipple.
Easy Rate Dual Sensors are available in standard and right angle orientations, and they can be configured to include a feedthrough with or without bored-through tube fittings.
Note: Easy Rate Dual sensors use 4.8 mm (3/16 in.) outer diameter (OD) water cooling tubes. They are not compatible with Ultra-Torr equipped Front Load Sensor feedthroughs and require a tubing adapter in order to be welded to a standard feedthrough with 4.8 mm (3/16 in.) OD water cooling tubes.
Sensor length is measured from centre of crystal to the end of the water tubes (see drawings).
Crystals sold separately.
(see note 1)